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Day 4 of the Road2Uganda Challenge

Day 4: Last Leg

The final day had arrived, and yes the finish line was in sight. It was just a shame that sight was 30 miles away, which was more miles than we had ever previously run..

Beginning in Stanhope we had our breakfast and set off. The weather was terrible, raining throughout, I was feeling terribly ill, topped off with very little sleep and both my knees were screaming at me to stop running. However, we all know that was never going to happen.

The motivation of truly knowing that I am helping people, the encouraging messages from friends and family and my co-runner Nick got me through these 30 miles. One of the big negatives on the final day was that I never truly appreciated the sites that we ran though as I was concentrating so much. Sights such as Durham castle and the Tyne and Wear river.

As we turned the corner for the final 6 miles, I remember thinking that these last 6 miles are going to be a true struggle. However to my surprise my adrenalin took over and once I had seen the coast in the distance I knew I had nearly made it! As Myself and Nick came down the hill towards the finish line, we congratulated each other, telling each other how impressed we were and that it was a true pleasure. 115 miles and 4 days later we crossed the finish line together, just as we had started.

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